
To/From Riga

General – by flight, bus, ferry, own car or combining

BY AIR: The easiest way to get to Riga is by air. There are direct flights to Riga from Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Helsinki, Prague, Stockholm, Vilnius, Tallinn, Moscow and Kiev. Code-sharing flights are among others from London, Warsaw, Zürich, and Geneva. Latvian Air Baltic has the most varied routes to and from Riga.

Airport Information, + 371 72 07 009. www.riga-airport.com. Taxi from Riga Airport to the city center should cost between 5-8 lats (9-15 euros). Bus number 22 costs less than a half euro (20 centimes).

BY BUS: Eurolines buses are an option for a budget traveller, or for a person who wants to tour several cities in the Baltics and/or Eastern Central Europe and Scandinavia. It is quite easy to travel to Riga from Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, bus trip takes between 5-6 hours. You can also reach Riga from many German cities, Poland, Lithuania and even France and the Benelux countries. See www.eurolines.com, and www.eurolines.lv

BY PRIVATE CAR: To drive by one own car from Central Europe to Riga is usually not a good idea. It takes quite a time to drive through Poland and Lithuania. Many Scandinavian and Baltic tourists and business persons, however, do drive to Riga from Helsinki/Tallinn, Vilnius, Southern Sweden/Liepaja. For real car enthusiasts travelling by car naturally is not a problem. Just be more careful with your insurance and lot more careful with locking and guarding your car.

BY FERRY: Riga can be reached also directly by ferries. There are some irregular cruises from Helsinki and other cities. Viking Line has a few cruises per summer, more information, see www.vikingline.fi. Many people take a ferry from Helsinki to Tallinn and then by bus or car to Riga. There is also a ferry route from Stockholm to Tallinn and vice versa, only once per day. See www.tallink.fi

BY TRAIN: Train network in the Baltic countries and the bordering states is not good. One can, however travel quite comfortably from Moscow to Riga. Also Vilnius is an option, but to/from Tallinn take a bus. St. Petersburg train is not of high-quality, but with patience you can make it. Train information, phone + 371 58 32 134, www.ldz.lv

To Riga by air


Copenhagen is an important hub for Latvians travelling to the Danish capital or further away. It is as easy to travel from Copenhagen to the Latvian capital. There are between 5-7 flights daily to and from Copenhagen. For more information in Denmark, call:

SAS Reservations
Daily: 07:00-22:00
Tel: +45 70102000


Timetables: http://www.oag.com


There is one flight daily from Frankfurt to Riga. It starts from Frankfurt 10.10 local time and is in Riga 13.30. From Riga the flight starts 07.50 and is in Frankfurt 09.20 local time. Saturday schedules differ from this, providing afternoon departure from Riga (13.40) and morning departure from Frankfurt (09.45).

Reservations from Germany:

Reservations Tel: +49 06105206040
Reservations Fax: +49 06105206048
Reservations E-mail: [email protected]
64546 Morfelden – Walldrof

See also www.airbaltic.com


The Finnish national carrier Finnair flies to Riga. There is one morning flight and one afternoon flight on working days from Helsinki, and morning flight on weekends.

Latvian carrier Air Baltic sells tickets in Helsinki through its SAS connection. Air Baltic has one morning and one evening connection to and from Riga.

SAS-Air Baltic service number in Finland:

Tel + 358 (0)20 386 000, at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport the numbers are ( Mo-Fr 08.30 – 16.30 )
Tel. + 358 (0)20 585 60 00
Fax. + 358 (0)20 585 201


The Finnish national carrier Finnair flies to Riga. There is one morning flight and one afternoon flight on working days from Helsinki, and morning flight on weekends.

Phone + 358 (0)9 81 881, sales + 358 (0)20 31 401 40.


There are a couple of flights daily from England to Riga. For more information contact

United Kingdom/London
Aviareps Air System
Reservations Tel: +44 1293596684
Reservations Fax: +44 1293596658
Reservations E-mail: [email protected]
Aviareps House
County Oak Way
Crawley, West Sussex RH11 7ST



There are three daily flight to and from Stockholm on working days.

SAS Reservations
Daily: 07:00-22:00
Business class phone +46 (0) 20727727
Tourist class phone +46 (0) 20727555


Other destinations

Air Baltic has quite good sales network abroad. For more information see,


To Riga by bus

To go to Riga by bus from Central Europe, see www.eurolines.com. Riga bus station info,

  • 371 750 71 76

When going from Helsinki to Tallinn and further till Riga by bus, book your ticket already in Helsinki. In the summer time the buses are quite crowded. Contact Matkahuolto (Matkapyörä) at Helsinki bus station:

Phone + 358 (0)9 61 36 84 33,
e-mail [email protected]

For timetables from Tallinn to Riga see www.eurolines.ee or www.eurolines.lv

The Tallinn bus station is in Lastekodu street 46, phone + 372 6 800 900 (www.bussireisid.ee). Timetables in April 2002 were:

Tallinn – Riga ( departures through Tallinn port terminal marked with **, in ports A/D some 10-15 minutes later)

  • 07.00 – 12.00
  • 10.00** – 15.30
  • 12.00** – 17.30
  • 13.15** – 18.50
  • 15.00** – 21.00
  • 18.00 – 11.20
  • 22.45 – 04.00
  • 23.40* – 05.40 (only through the terminal A)

Riga – Tallinn (those marked with ** go through Tallinn port, where the buses are 10-15 minutes before the bus station)

  • 02.55 – 08.20**
  • 05.15 – 10.30
  • 07.20 – 13.20**
  • 10.50 – 16.50**
  • 12.00 – 17.15**
  • 18.00 – 23.30**
  • 23.40 – 05.00**

Other international departures form Tallinn, call + 372 6 800 909; international departures from Riga,
call + 371 750 71 76 (Riian linja-autoasema)

Tallinn bus station is about 2.5 km from the ferry terminals. Take bus number 2 from the port or tram number 2 from the gates of the old town.

To Riga by ferry

There is not a regular line between Helsinki and Riga, but there are few cruises per summer from Helsinki to Riga. In the summer 2002 there are six departures. For further information, see www.vikingline.fi.

To go to Riga through Helsinki and Tallinn takes time, but is a good option if one wants to see the Estonian capital too. From Helsinki to Tallinn there are more than two dozens ferries each day in the summertime. Distance between Helsinki and Tallinn is only 80 kilometers. The fast ferry operators Linda Line and Nordic Jet Line do not have traffic in the harsh winter months. From Tallinn it is only 310 kilometers to Riga by bus or car. Naturally also airplane from Tallinn to Riga is an option.

The ferry operators include:

Eckerö Line, a morning departure from Helsinki at 08.00 PM. Tickets from Helsinki at Mannerheimintie 10, phone + 358 (0) 9 22 88 544, fax 22 28 52 22. Before departure tickets also from the terminal (West terminal, “Länsiterminaali”, in Ruoholahti). Ask also their bus ferry-bus choice from Helsinki to Tallinn and further to Riga. For more information, see www.eckeroline.fi.

Linda Line, has only fast ferries unable to carry cars. Linda’s terminal is very near the the Market Square of Helsinki, where you can also buy tickets. Their fastest ferry takes only one hour to reach Tallinn, other Linda hydrofoils use 1 h 25 minutes.

Nordic Jet Line, from Helsinki to Tallinn.

Silja Line, mainly from Helsinki to Tallinn. Some cruises to Riga.

Tallink, has the widest selection of vessels, express ferries as well as larger cruise ships, of which “M/S Romantika” is a brand new sea beauty. See: www.tallink.fi. Tallink also sails between Tallinn and Stockholm. Tallink ticket office in Helsinki at Erottajankatu 19, phone + 358 (0)9 22 82 12 11.

Viking Line. Viking Line has several cruises from Helsinki to Tallinn, mainly during summertime. Address in Helsinki Mannerheimintie 14. Tel. + 358 (0)9 123 577, see www.vikingline.fi

Airport and stations

Riga International Airport (RIX) is little more than 10 km from the city centre. Info number is (+ 371) 72 07 009, 72 07 800, for the departure hall 72 07 136. There is money exchange (06.00-22.00) and Visa/Eurocard/Mastercard cash automat. Taxi to the centre ( 8 km) should costs between 5-8 lats. Bus number 22 brings you for a mere less than half euros. www.riga-airport.com

Bus station (Autoosta), Pragas 1. Tram number 7 stops in from of the bus station. It takes only 5-10 minutes to walk to the Old Town. Take a tunnel route and then head towards Valnu iela. For international buses, contact Eurolines at bus station. Phone (+371) 72 14 076, 72 14 080, [email protected]. International departures + 371 750 71 76. www.eurolines.lv, Norma-A, tel. 72 764 444, [email protected]

Train station (Centrala Stacija, at Stacijas laukums), phone 58 33 095, timetables 58 32 134. One can reach Moscow, St. Petersburg and Vilnius/Kaunas by train, but to go to Central Europe is more complicated. More information www.ldz.lv

Riga passenger port, Eksporta 1, phone (+371) 73 29 882. Trams 5,7,9 to the city centre. Ask for ferries phone 73 22 002, Moni-Linija.

Travel agencies

Contact your local travel agency to go to Latvia, or see the representative of Air Baltic in your country, at www.airbaltic.com